Doctors make acid safe makeup

Doctors make acid safe makeup
Doctors make acid safe makeup 

Doctors make acid safe makeup which will prevent from any woman from any attack and splashes of acids

British doctor make a compound that will save any woman from acid stroke it will prevent from women from any acid and it is thrown her face.

In Britain the cases of attacks on humans are increasing and a local doctor Almas Ahmed has prepared a mechanism a makeup compound that will prevent from burning from acid splashes.

Doctor Almas Ahmed make acid safe makeup
Doctor Almas Ahmed make acid safe makeup
Doctor Almas Ahmed told that till now he has spend almost 10 years to make this mixture with different makeup compounds in his first stage he use different themes like sun cream and foundations cream and finally she got success to make a cosmetics products which will prevent any woman from acid. 

According to doctor Almas this chemical can sustain temperature of 400 degree
Till now she has spent millions rupees and she hope that her Discovery will be used in market.

This compound is also waterproof and also save from heat.

Updated: October 30, 2018 — 5:45 am

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