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NASA 1st 8K Video from Space Is Just Awesome

NASA's 1st 8K Video from Space Is Just Awesome
NASA’s 1st 8K Video from Space Is Just Awesome

NASA first 8K video has just been released in this video NASA astronauts are working on a different experiments that makes so clear invisible in this video.

NASA and European space agency (ESA) are working on NASA space station. They are working on different projects and experiments in microgravity this International Space Station is the key point to Our success office flooring and experimenting.

In this video Expedition 56 crew is working on different projects and experiments essay Astronaut Alexander Gerst also told about this video after reaching the earth.

These astronauts are working on different projects and experiments like not growing in space name plant habitat 1 experiment which are more comprehensively difference from the plant growing on earth.

In this Space Station we can see a window which is perfectly open from after Earth view observation called Cupola and Canadarm2. This video show a very stunning and beautiful view of our Earth with the hurricanes.

Another experiment is also going like Japanese experiment model airlock which is a small satellites robot which is used to shoot out small satellite into space war experiment.

Updated: September 18, 2019 — 1:02 pm

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